Thank You!
I wanted to ssya “Thank you” to all of the school families for the amazing support for our teachers conference and all of the food donation. All of the teachers were very appreciative for the generosity that the SOTH family showed for this conference.
Second Trimester
The end of the second trimester is on March 3rd which is just around the corner. Report cards will be sent home this week.
We do not have set times for parent-teacher conference after the second trimester. If you would like to speak with your child’s teacher about their progress, please reach out to set up a time.
Mrs. Ross Staying Here
We are excited to share that Mrs. Ross has returned her call to Green Bay, WI. She will continue to teach here at Shepherd of the Hills and serve our families. We are thankful for this great news!
Talent Show
Shepherd of the Hills School is planning on hosting a Talent show for the students on the evening of April 7th. Students will be able to display any type of talent and can involve their family members if they would like.
This week, I will send out a Google Survey for students to sign up. We do aks that parents sign up the students so we know that you have approved the talen they will put on display. We are also asking for an estiamate of the length of the talent.
Children’s Theater Field Trip
The K-5th grade classes have been invivted to Californiat Lutheran High School (Temecula) on March 18th to see their children’s theater production of Briar Rose. Teh students woudl leave in the morning and return in the afternoon. If students are unable to attend, they would have the day off from school. Students in grades 6-8 will still have class.
Keep an eye out for an e-mail with a permission form and survey to see who can help with driving.