The volleyball tournament is this coming Saturday for our tournament team. Players should be at CLHS at 8:15 to warm up and the first game is at 8:45. There is also a CLHS football game in the afternoon if anyone would like to stay and cheer them on.
Trunk or Treat – THANKS!
Thank you to everyone who helped out with the Trunk or Treat event this past Sunday! It was wonderful to have so many people that helped out donating their time and talents. We hope that everyone had a great time.
Before and After Care
For those that use our before and after care program, we will be emailing out the total for August and September. You can pay that amount by cash, check, or online.
Each week I will include a link to a Google survey. We ask parents to fill out the survey to give us an idea of what care is needed for the week. This can help the teachers and aides plan for each week. We recognize that schedules and pickup/drop-off times will not match perfectly, but we have an idea for the week.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Parent-Teacher Conferences are scheduled for this week. This year we will have half days of school on the Thursday and Friday of that week. This will give more flexibility for the teachers to meet with parents. HERE is the link to sign up for an alloted time. Please note the teachers and classrooms when signing up. Also, we will close the document for signing up on Wednesday morning.
If none of those times work for you, please contact your child’s teacher to set up another time.
Wednesday (Full Day) – Conferences from 3:30 – 6:30
Thursday (Half Day – 12:00) – Conferences from 12:30 – 6:30
Friday (Half Day – 12:00) – Conferences from 12:30 – 5:00
Scholastic Book Orders
Scholastic book orders will be starting this month. Book order pamphlets will come home on Monday, but you can also visit https://orders.scholastic.com/
Every order earns free books for our classrooms! Not to mention, Scholastic has deals and savings on great books. You are welcome to share the class page link with extended family and friends. All orders also earn free books for our school.
Orders are due Friday, October 21, 2022. Your child(ren)’s books will be delivered to the classroom and sent home. If you have any questions, ask Mrs. Ross.
Thank you for your support!