Soccer Day
Soccer Day is this week Friday. We will leave at 8:15 and hope to return at the end of the school day, depending on traffic. Students should bring lunch and a water bottle for the day. The students will be spilt into different teams and should wear a designated colored shirt. I have yet to receive the information on shirt colors, but I will send it out as soon as possible.
If any parents have yet to fill out this form, Google form to let us know if your child will participate, please do so as soon as possible.
Basketball Practice
Basketball practice starts this week for students in grades 4-8 that will be participating. Normally, we will have two practices a week on Tuesday and Thursday from 3:00 – 4:30. This week, there will only be one practice on Thursday. Anna Vogel will be coaching the girl’s team, and Pastor Boehm will be coaching the boy’s team. If you have any questions, please let me know.
Before and Aftercare Link
If you are using before and after care this week, please take a moment to fill out the times using the link below.
Christmas Service
Each year, students from Shepherd of the Hills take part in our Children’s Christmas Service. This year, the service will take place on Monday, December 19, at 6:30. This is one of the highlights of the school year, where students lead, telling the story of Jesus’ birth through recitation and singing. If your child cannot make this service, please let your child’s teacher know.
Students that play musical instruments also have the opportunity to play before the service. They will need to pick out a religious Christmas piece with their teacher. If your child would like to participate, please fill out the link below.
Report Cards
Last week Tuesday was the end of the first trimester. Report cards will be sent home by the end of the week to communicate how students are doing academically. If you have any questions, please contact your child’s teacher.
Women’s Bible Study
Shepherd of the Hills will be having a 4-week Women’s Bible Study for Advent on Mondays at 7:00 p.m starting on November 28. If interested, please text or email Haley Jones. [email protected] 619-778-1632