Calendar Update
We have an important update for you to include in your calendars. The Board of Education has approved that there will be no school on Friday, May 12, due to a number of the faculty being out of town on this date.
Since we are making an unexpected change to the calendar, childcare will be available for this day for any families that are unable to accommodate this change.
Easter Sunday
School Pictures – Yearbook
Each year, students are able to purchase a yearbook that has class photos and highlights from throughout the year. Sheena Carter is kind enough to put together the yearbook for the school. If you have any pictures from school events that would work for the yearbook, please share them with her through Google Photos – [email protected].
For those that have an 8th-grade student that is graduating, each student receives their own page in the yearbook with pics throughout their life and, if you so desire, a special message from their parents/guardians. These items can also be sent to Sheena Carter.
Before and Aftercare Link
If you are using before and after care this week, please take a moment to fill out the times using the link below.
Friday – No Aftercare
This Friday is a half day with a noon dismissal. We have a Good Friday service starting at 12:00. If students plan on attending, they can eat lunch after school and attend the service. Otherwise, there is no aftercare available this Friday.
Track Meet
All students from grades 1-8 are invited to participate in our annual Track Meet in Carlsbad on Saturday, May 6th. I know that it is a month away, but with Spring break next week, it will come quickly. Please consider if your child would like to participate and take a quick moment to let us know.
Registration Fee
If you decided to split the registration fee into two payments, we will be extending the deadline for the second payment to April 17th. The second payment amount is $200. A reminder that the registration fee secures your spot for the 2023-2024 school year.
Teacher Changes for Next School Year
We have extended a call to Anna Vogel to teach grades K-2 full-time starting next school year. She will have time to prayerfully consider if she will accept this call to continue to serve at Shepherd of the Hills.
We also extended a call to Angela Vogt from Wisconsin to teach grades 3-4. Although after speaking with her, she shared that her oldest son has just started treatment for cancer and has returned the call. We have another meeting this coming Saturday to extend another call for a 3-4 teacher for next year.
Please keep everyone involved in your prayers. If you have any questions, please speak to Mr. Vogel.