Before and After Care
If you are using before and after care this week, please take a moment to fill out the times using the link below.
Volleyball Practice
We are back to the normal practice on Mondays from 3:00 – 4:00.
The yearbook design from last school year is just about complete. If anyone wants to place an order, please fill out this Google form. Once the yearbooks arrive, we will start handing them out to the students/families. The cost of the yearbook is $40. You can pay through our online portal or bring in cash or check. If you choose the online method, please select “school fees” from the drop-down.
Volleyball Game
The first set of volleyball games will take place this Thursday, September 14, at Reformation Lutheran School (Clairemont area). We have yet to get the schedules, but we usually leave around 12:30 for Reformation and should return by the end of the school day. There is always a chance of some traffic slowing us up, which can sometimes be closer to 3:15/3:30.
We will need drivers to help transport the students to the game. If you can drive, please text Mr. Vogel to let him know how many spots you would have available.
Hot Lunch
This Friday, September 15, we are offering a hot lunch for our students. The money received from the hot lunch will go towards financial assistance for the 6th-8th grade class trip to Catalina Island in October. The meal will consist of pizza from Costco and a fruit/veggie.
The cost of the hot lunch is $5 a student; however, if families would like to give more towards this fundraiser, we would greatly appreciate it. There is a link below to sign up, and we are asking that families bring in cash to pay for the lunch. Finally, we ask that families sign up by September 11.
Trunk or Treat – DATE CHANGE!!!!
We have moved our Trunk or Trea date to Saturday, October 21. There were some other events that led to the date change. Sorry about any inconvenience. In the upcoming weeks, we will send out information and ask school families if they can assist with running the event.
What We Believe and Teach?
If you are interested in finding out more about what we believe according to the Bible, plan to find out more on Sunday, September 17. After worship, Pastor Boehm will be teaching what the Bible has to say about who God is and where Jesus fits in. Lunch will be provided and childcare can be made available. Please use the GOOGLE FORM to register online so we can make sure we’re ready to welcome you!