Before and After Care

If you are using before and after care this week, please take a moment to fill out the times using the link below.

Before and After Care Link

Basketball Practice

Basketball practice will be held on Tuesday and Thursday of this week

Basketball Uniforms

We will be sending home basketball uniforms this week.  The uniforms are given to the students for the season. They can keep them at home and will be returned after the season.  Students are responsible for the uniforms and should care for them appropriately.

No School – MLKJ Day

There is no school on Monday, January 15, for Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Basketball Games

Our first set of basketball games is scheduled for this Friday, January 12, which will take place at CLHS in Temecula.  We will be leaving at 12:15 and will return around 7:00 p.m.  Both the boy’s and girls’ teams will be able to play two games. Please take a moment to fill out this permission form and let us know if you can drive.

50th Anniversary Auction

Our 50th Gala Committee is busy planning for a 50-year Gala and Auction on March 15.  We are looking for items to use for the auction.  If you have any connections with businesses that might want to make donations for the auction, please speak to Mr. Vogel or Karin Andreen.

  Parenting Article

Every now and then, I will share a link to an online article written to help parents.  Each article will look at one parenting item meant to guide and support parents. I pray that this resource will be a blessing to your family.

 Building Blocks of a Strong Parent-Child Relationship