Basketball Practice

Basketball practice will be held on Tuesday and Thursday of this week.

Basketball Games

The final basketball tournament is this coming weekend at CLHS.  Please look over the email that was sent out with the schedule for this weekend.  Also, keep in mind that traffic on Friday will be heavier than usual with President’s Day on Monday.

Spirit Week

This week is our Spirit/Dress-Up Week.  Below you will find the themes for each day. Students are encouraged to participate but are not required to.  If you have any questions, please talk to your child’s teacher.

Monday – Pajama Day (Kids can wear pajamas and bring a blanket or stuffed animal.  They should have shoes for recess.)

Tuesday – Color Day (K-2 classroom is RED, 3-4 classroom is BLUE, 5-8 classroom is WHITE)

Wednesday – Animal Day (Each student can dress like an animal

Thursday – School Spirit Day (Students can show their school spirit using our school colors- teal, black, and white – and our school mascot – the wolf.

Children Singing

The next time that students will be singing for church is on February 25th. 

No School – Fri and Mon

There is no school on Friday and Monday for a 4-Day President’s Day weekend.

Before and After Care

If you are using before and after care this week, please take a moment to fill out the times using the link below.

Before and After Care Link

Gala Tickets/Donations

Our 50th Anniversary Gala website.  Tickets may be purchased through the website, and donations may be made.  Feel free to share with anyone who may be interested in helping us reach our fundraising goal.  This week is the end of the discounted ticket rate of $50 before it goes up to $75.


50th Auction – Wine Pull

As we look forward to our upcoming 50th Anniversary Gala, we are reaching out to kindly request donations of quality wines for our Wine Pull. If you are able and willing, please consider donating a bottle (or more) of your favorite wine.

Donations can be dropped off before or after school. We will be accepting donations up through Wednesday, March 13th. We are grateful for your continued support and look forward to creating a successful and memorable event together!

Re-Enrollment for 2024-2025

Parents have received an email with information about re-enrolling for the 2024-2025 school year.  Please read through this and keep the dates and registration fees in mind. There are discounts for the registration fee if paid early. Let me know if you have any questions and if there are any extenuating or financial circumstances.  PLEASE COMPLETE THE GOOGLE FORM BY THE END OF THE WEEK.  THE DEADLINE FOR THE DISCOUNTED REGISTRATION IN MONDAY, FEB. 19.


We look forward to continuing to partner with you in Christian education for your children.

Bible Basics Seminar

What really matters in life? Health? Friendships? Family? Money? We give these things much of our attention, and rightfully so – they’re very important to us!  But…are they what matters most? And how can we know? Come and discover what matters most on Sunday, February 25, from 10:30 a.m. – 2 p.m. Pastor Boehm will lead an interactive study to discover the answers to these questions – and any others you may have. 

 Whether you’re looking for answers or are just curious about what our church and school teach about Jesus and the Bible, this opportunity is for you! Lunch (and childcare, if needed) will be included. Register by clicking the link.