No School – Monday
There is no school next Monday, September 2nd, for Labor Day. Enjoy the three-day weekend!
Volleyball Practice
This week Monday is our first volleyball practice, which is open to students in grades 5-8. The practice will last from 3:00 to 4:30. Students should wear athletic attire to participate in practice. Our first games will be played on Wednesday, September 4th, at Reformation School in Clairmont.
Lego League Practice
This week starts our first official week of Lego League practices. Thank you to the parents who offered to provide snacks on Thursday and Saturday.
Thursday: 3:15 – 5:15
Saturday: 9:30 – 12:00
Class Dojo
This is just a quick reminder that all of the classes will be using Class Dojo to communicate with parents and share classroom happenings. The teachers have shared how to sign up and receive updates on your students and their classroom.
Absences and Tardies
This is a reminder that the school day starts at 8:15, but it is helpful for students to arrive 5-10 minutes before getting settled in their classrooms.
If your child will be absent or late for the school start, please take a quick moment to let the teacher know. We encourage parents to text and provide a reason for the absence and/or tardiness.
This is a reminder for those making monthly tuition payments that the first payment is due by the end of the month. We have10-month payment plan to start in August and ending in May. We encourage families to set up monthly automatic withdrawals through our online payment portal. If you need to drop off cash or a check, please give it to Mr. Vogel.
What We Believe and Teach?
If you are interested in finding out more about what we believe according to the Bible, plan to find out more on Sunday, September 22. After worship, Pastor Boehm will be teaching what the Bible says about who God is and where Jesus fits in. Lunch will be provided, and childcare will be made available. Please use the GOOGLE FORM to register online so we can make sure we’re ready to welcome you!