Before and After Care
If you are using before and after care this week, please take a moment to fill out the times using the link below.
Lego League Practice
Thursday: 3:15 – 5:15
Saturday: 9:30 – 12:00
Practice – 3:00 – 4:30 on Monday.
Our next set of volleyball games will take place this Wednesday. We will leave after lunch and will return before the end of the school day. If you are able to help with driving, please let Mr. Vogel know.
Children Sing
We have scheduled our first service with the students singing for this school year. All students will sing on Sunday, September 29, at the 9:00 service. If your child is unable to attend, please let their teacher know.
Trunk or Treat
We have scheduled our Trunk or Treat event for this year – October 26. If you are interested in helping out, please take a moment to fill ou this survey to let us know.
Amazon Wishlist
I wanted to share an opportunity for our families to support the teachers, classrooms, and education at SOTH – Amazon Wish List. Teachers will add items they would like for their classroom or the entire school to the wishlist through Amazon. You can check out the wishlist and purchase any items for the school. Once items are purchased, Amazon will send them right to the school, and we can put them to use.
Learn and Play
Below is some information on a Learn and Play group that will be starting at Shepherd of the Hills in October.
What We Believe and Teach?
If you are interested in finding out more about what we believe according to the Bible, plan to find out more on Sunday, September 22. After worship, Pastor Boehm will be teaching what the Bible says about who God is and where Jesus fits in. Lunch will be provided, and childcare will be made available. Please use the GOOGLE FORM to register online so we can make sure we’re ready to welcome you!