Before and After Care
If you are using before and after care this week, please take a moment to fill out the times using the link below.
Lego League Practice
Since Halloween is on Thursday, we are going to move our practice to Wednesday from 3:15 – 5:15.
Also, we are extending the Saturday practice from 9:00 – 12:30 on Saturday as it is our last Saturday practice before the competition.
No School
There is no school on Thursday and Friday, November 7 and 8 as teachers wil be traveling for an education conference.
Also there is no school on Monday, November 11, for Veteran’s Day.
Upcoming Field Trips
Nov. 15 – Grades 6-8 will be taking a field trip to CLSH for C-Hawk for a Day.
Dec. 6 – Students in grade 3-8 are invited to Soccer day where students from our area schools are mixed together to play 3-4 soccer games (Temecula).
Trunk or Treat
Thank you! Thank You! Thank you to everyone who helped plan, set up, run, and clean up for our Trunk or Treat event this past Saturday! We couldn’t have done it without all of you.
K-5 Field Trip – Bate’s Nut Farm
The K-5 students will be taking a field trip to Bate’s Nut Farm this Thursday, October 31. An email was sent out last week with the online permission slip and letting us know if you can drive and chaperone.
School Pictures
Keep an eye out for an email from Pacific Portraits for the school pictures. Parents will be able to purchase pictures and pick a portrait which will be used for the yearbook.
Halloween – No Costumes
We ask that students do not dress up for Halloween next week on Thursday but continue to follow the student dress code for a normal day of school.
RED Shirt Friday
During the month of November, we will be participating in RED shirt Friday where everyone is encouraged to wear red. RED stands for “Remember Everyone Deployed”. This is a way to remember those who are serving our country and support families that have a loved one deployed.