Before and After Care
If you are using before and after care this week, please take a moment to fill out the times using the link below.
Kids Singing – Nov. 17
The next time students will be singing is this Sunday, Nov. 17 at our 9:00 service.
C-Hawk for a Day – Grades 6-8
The upper-grade class has been invited to California Lutheran High School on Friday, Nov. 15, for their C-Hawk for a Day event. For parents of the upper-grade class, please fill out this Google form to let us know if your child can attend and help us with planning.
Thanksgiving “Meal”
Many of you may have seen an email about a Thanksgiving meal for the students and families on November 25 from 2:00 – 3:00. If you can take a quick moment and fill out this Google Form to let us know how many will be attending, this will help us plan for food.
Lego League – CONGRATS!!!
Congrats to the Howling Bricksters, our Lego League team, who are moving on to the next round of competition following their first meet this past Saturday. We will try to have the board and robot out on Sunday so that students and families can see what they worked on this year.
No School
There is no school on Monday, November 11, for Veteran’s Day.
Report Cards
Last week was the end of the first trimester. Report cards will be sent home by the end of this week with your child’s progress. If you have any questions, please get in touch with your child’s teacher.
Soccer Day
Students in grades 3-8 have been invited to participate in a Soccer Day on Friday, December 6. Students from our other area associate schools come together to play 3-4 soccer games in Temecula. It is meant to be a fun day of playing soccer and getting to know other students from around the area.
Parents, please take a moment to fill out this Google form to let us know if your child will participate and help us with planning.
RED Shirt Friday
During the month of November, we will be participating in RED shirt Friday where everyone is encouraged to wear red. RED stands for “Remember Everyone Deployed”. This is a way to remember those who are serving our country and support families that have a loved one deployed.
Basketball Season
We are starting to prepare for the upcoming basketball season which will start the first week of December. We need to gauge the students who are interested in participating. We are looking to open it to grades 4-8. Please keep in mind that younger students will get to learn the basics and participate as part of the team. They may not see much playing time in games depending on the level of competition.