Before and After Care
If you are using before and after care this week, please take a moment to fill out the times using the link below.
Thanksgiving Meal – UPDATE
Please join us for our Thanksgiving meal on Monday, Nov. 25 at NOON (note the time change). We are looking for food donations and also for volunteers to help with set up, serving, and clean up. Please use the Google sheet to indicate what item you’ll be donating for the meal and the number attending. You may drop items off before school or anytime before 11:30. Lunch is served at noon. Please contact Gena Boehm with any questions (619)318-6590.”
We do have school on Monday and Tuesday of Thanksgiving week. If your child will be absent due to traveling for the holidays, please let you child’s teacher know.
Also, everyone is invited to our Thanksgiving Eve service on Wednesday, Nov. 27. We have appetizers before the service and pie and treats following the service.
Christmas Calendar – Update
On Friday, December 20, we will have our Christmas parties for the classroom, and this will be a half day with the students dismissed at noon. Aftercare will be available.
Soccer Day
Students in grades 3-8 have been invited to participate in a Soccer Day on Friday, December 6. Students from our other area associate schools come together to play 3-4 soccer games in Temecula. It is meant to be a fun day of playing soccer and getting to know other students from around the area.
Parents, please take a moment to fill out this Google form to let us know if your child will participate and help us with planning.
I will send out the shirt colors for each student this week.
Children’s Christmas Service
The children’s Christmas service is scheduled for Wednesday evening, Dec. 18, at 6:30. All students are asked to participate in this event. If you know that your child is unable to make it, please let your child’s teacher know as soon as possible so we can plan accordingly.
Christmas Caroling
On Wednesday, December 11, we will be heading to an elderly care facility to sing Christmas Carols for teh residents. We plan to leave at 11:10 and be there for an hour to an hour and a half. Please take a moment to fill out this permission form to let us know if your child can attend and if you can help with driving.
Basketball Season
We are starting to prepare for the upcoming basketball season which will start the first week of December. We need to gauge the students who are interested in participating. We are looking to open it to grades 4-8. Please keep in mind that younger students will get to learn the basics and participate as part of the team. They may not see much playing time in games depending on the level of competition.