Spelling Bee – Quiz Bowl

This Saturday is the Academic Bowl, which will be held at CLHS.  The event will start with a devotion at 8:45.  The Spelling Bee will start at 9:00, and the Quiz Bowl will start following the Spelling Bee.  If you have any questions, please talk to your child’s teacher or Mr. Vogel.

Second Trimester

 Report cards were sent home last week.  We do not have set times for parent-teacher conferences after the second trimester.  If you would like to speak with your child’s teacher about their progress, please reach out to set up a time.

Track Meet

The Track Meet is scheduled for May 3 and will be held in Carlsbad.  We will start practicing and signing up for events after Spring break.  The track meet is available to students for grades 1-8.  Please take some time to consider if your child(ren) will be participating this year.

3-5 Wins Spirit Week

Grades 3-5 were the victors of our Spirit Week.  To reward them, they will have pizza for lunch on an upcoming day.  If there is a 3-5 parent who would be able to pick up pizza from Costco, please let me know, and then we can schedule a date.

Before and After Care

If you are using before and after care this week, please take a moment to fill out the times using the link below.

Before and After Care Link

Spring Break

Just a reminder that there is no school from March 31 – April 4 for Spring Break.

Talent Show

We did not have a lot of interest in the Talent Show for this school year, so we will NOT be having a Talent Show this school year.  We will be having our end of the year school play.  This event will happen on the evening of May 15.


Parenting Resource

With our WELS schools association that we belong to, our families have been offered an online parenting course at no cost.  Christian Family Solution is offering Strengthening Parent-Child Connections, an online parenting course.  This four-part video course provides practical strategies for creating a more balanced and supportive family environment, reducing the need for constant correction. You can enroll for free using the code LutheranSchool at checkout: