Spelling Bee – Quiz Bowl

Shepherd of the Hills has been invited to participate in the CLHS Spelling Bee and Quiz Bowl on March 22.  We are able to send two spellers from each grade level from first to eighth and one Quiz Bowl team (usually 6th-8th).  Teachers will work with students to find the top two from each grade level and then communicate with parents to see who can attend.

No School – March 7th

There is no school Friday, March 7th, for teachers to attend a professional development conference in Carlsbad.

Yearbooks – Complete!

The yearbooks have been completed and the order has been sent to the printers.  We will start dsitributing them, once they arrive.  If you haven’t paid the yearbook, it is $40.  You can pay by cash, check or through the online portal.  You can choose “School Fee” and type in “yearbook” for the note.


Last week we opened our school apparel shop! This is a great opportunity to purchase spirit wear and other school-branded items.

The shop will remain open until February 24, so be sure to place your orders before the deadline. All items will be shipped after the store closes. You can access the shop using this link


Thank you and we look forward to seeing our students and families showing their school spirit!

Before and After Care

If you are using before and after care this week, please take a moment to fill out the times using the link below.

Before and After Care Link

Re-Enrollment – Registration Fee

This is just a quick reminder that if you want to take advantage of the discounted registration fee for the 2025-2026 school year, the $300 is due by the end of the month, next Friday.  If you are not taking advantage of the early bird, the first part of the registration fee ($150) is also due next Friday, and the remainder ($200) is due at the end of March.  A reminder that paying the registration fee secures your spot for next school year.
You can bring in a check, cash, or pay online. There is a drop-down specifically for the registration fee.
 If you have any questions, please let me know.


Parenting Resource

With our WELS schools association that we belong to, our families have been offered an online parenting course at no cost.  Christian Family Solution is offering Strengthening Parent-Child Connections, an online parenting course.  This four-part video course provides practical strategies for creating a more balanced and supportive family environment, reducing the need for constant correction. You can enroll for free using the code LutheranSchool at checkout: