School Newsletter – September 4, 2023

Before and After Care If you are using before and after care this week, please take a moment to fill out the times using the link below. Before and After Care Link Volleyball Practice Since we have missed the past two Mondays for practice, we will have practice this...

School Newsletter – August 28, 2023

No School – Friday and Monday There is no school this Friday and next Monday, September 1st and 4th, for Labor Day.  Enjoy the four-day weekend. Volleyball Practice This week Monday is our first practice for volleyball which is open to students in grades 5-8. ...

School Newsletter – May 29, 2023

Thank You!!! On behalf of the faculty, I would like to say a huge THANK YOU!!! for all the generous gifts, cards, and food that were given during Teacher Appreciation Week.  It was truly amazing to see how generous everyone was. We love being a part of the Shepherd of...

School Newsletter – May 21, 2023

Thank You!!! On behalf of the faculty, I would like to say a huge THANK YOU!!! for all the generous gifts, cards, and food that were given during Teacher Appreciation Week.  It was truly amazing to see how generous everyone was. We love being a part of the Shepherd of...

School Newsletter – May 16, 2023

School Play The school play for grades K-8 is this coming Friday, starting at 6:30.  The performances will take place in the church sanctuary. The students should be in their classroom by 6:15, all dressed and ready to go. If you have any questions, please contact...