School Newsletter – 11/22/21

Soccer Day Students in grades 3-8 have been invited to paticipate in a Soccer Day on Friday, December 3. Students from our other area associate schools come together to play 3-4 soccer games in Temecula.  It is meant to be a fun day of playing soccer and getting to...

School Newsletter – 11/15/21

In-Person Learning We are excited to have all of our classrooms back to in-person learning this week.  Just a reminder that if students are showing symptoms they should stay home and not return until they are tested and symptoms improve OR wait until 11 days after...

School Newsletter – November 1

Trunk or Treat Thank you to everyone who helped plan, run, set up, and clean up for the Trunk or Treat this past weekend.  It was a great success and wonderful having so many families on campus for this event.   Scholastic Book Order We received word that the order...
School Newsletter – October 25

School Newsletter – October 25

Trunk or Treat This week Saturday, October 30, is our Trunk or Treat event at Shepherd of the Hills starting at 5:00.  All families are invited to attend and bring their friends, neighbors, or relatives.  We will have trunks for trick-or-treating, games, outdoor...